Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

New Tython Arcona Forward Operating Base

"All hail, his honor, Proconsul Marick Del'Abbot."

Solus echoed the newly appointed Quaestor's words along with the other occupants of the tent, but he had felt something else coming from the hologram of their new clan leader. Not so much words, more of a feeling. Wuntila had called him back to Selen through the force, but had not said anything over the holonet channel. The holonet was one of the most secure methods of electronic communication, so Wuntila choosing the force meant that it was more then just operational secrecy. This was something all together different.

Excusing himself from his comrades as gracefully as possible, Solus left the tent and made his way towards the landing field and the waiting shuttles. There hadn't been more then a vague instruction contained within the missive, but, given the method chosen to communicate it, Solus assumed that alacrity was called for.

Arcona Citadel Selen 12 hours later

Solus had arrived on Selen and immediately made his way to Wuntila. It apparently hadn't been fast enough to suit the blue skined Obelisk.

"You're late," he said.

Solus merely stood at attention, knowing that any response given would do nothing to ease the tempestuous nature of Wuntila's mood. Seeing that no answer was forthcoming, Wuntila snorted and turned to face away from him.

"I assume you have seen the casualty statistics amongst the Starfighter Corps over New Tython?" the Consul inquired.

"I have, Excellency," Slagar replied. "It was less then encouraging."

Wuntila turned to once again face the Sith. "It seems that our clan's fighting prowess has been blunted," he explained, "likely because the Force was not with them. At least in the cockpit."

It did not take much time for Solus to tumble to the obvious. "So you think that we should move our Dark Jedi from the ground to starfighters?"

"Indeed, and we must have one that can lead these Jedi," Wuntila said with a slight smile. "It occurs to me that you were quite the competent pilot when you flew with the Protectors before joining the Brotherhood, were you not?"


Well, I was told that even though the Void Squadron reports are due to go out on the first of every month nobody was expecting a report from our Battleteam this month given that we're so new. So the lesson here is that Void Squadron reports, like the Spanish Inquisition, are expected by nobody!

On a more serious note, welcome to the first report for our squadron. I'm using this as much as anything else to touch base with all you Voidies out there (Yes, that is your new nickname) as to report how awesome we are to anyone else that happens by. It's nice to see some people filling in the slots, and some of you have even contacted me via various avenues (IRC, email, smoke signals, etc) which is even better. However, I have an assignment for everyone:

Assignment: Callisign As some of you may have noticed on the Void Squadron wiki page (and if you haven't noticed because you haven't read it, GO READ!), each member of our squadron gets to have their very own personalized callsign. What I'd like from everyone who doesn't already have one is an email letting me know what this special callsign is for you. That way it can be added to the wiki and you can be super special awesome, just like Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. So go forth and think up something fun and/or cool.


Comps, comps, everywhere the comps! Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind. Do this, do this to, can't you do the comps? OK, a lyricist I'm not, but there are more then a few comps out there to take part of. The best way to see what they are? Go to the competition listing while logged in to the DB site and click "Stuff that matters to me" (or click on the link in the text of this report you just read past).

In addition, I'm going to be looking to run some BT level competitions in the future. However, I don't want to run stuff that you all think is lame, boring, uninspired, or whatever other polite synonym for "crap" you'd like to use to save my feelings. As such, make sure to tell me what things you like to do. Quick comps, BT Run Ons, trivia, etc. Let me know and I'll follow your Picard-esque orders and "make it so".


Here's where I make a nice list of all the nice things my minions are doing. We're a fairly new battleteam, but I'm quite happy to actually be able to list a few things here:

Etah d'Tana Crescent with Emerald Star Kant Lavar Passed GMRG History

Final Thoughts

Honestly, not much on the final thoughts wagon this time around. Most of my final thoughts were my first thoughts, so that left me without a whole lot of finality.

However, I will provide you with the Moment of Zen.

Battlemaster Solus Gar Squadron Leader, Void Squadron

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