Aedile Report


Aedile Report

If you’re looking for fiction here I’d suggest checking out the 2nd installment of the Pillars of Menat storyline. If you don’t have it email me and I’ll send you a copy. The Pillars storyline is a revolutionary plot that will be changing the very face of the political atmosphere on New Tython (Jedi included). I don’t want to say its required reading, but theres no other way to put it. So read, enjoy and participate in the competitions. Every winning submission depending on the event, puts you in the crosshairs of being featured in the story, at least feign excitement for me :P

House News:

Rollmaster Applications- Application deadline ends 1/21/2012 (Today, tomorrow or yesterday) depending on your timezone. In any effect, you’ll hear word of the Rollmaster sooner than later.

New Odan-Urr Blog- I’ve been working on a small (and relatively decent) blog thru WordPress, you can find it at the link at the end of this update. Essentially I wanted to create a platform for making announcements without members having to scour through their inboxes for one piece of information. All updates and notices are categorized so just click the category you desire on the right.

Whether or not you guys want to use it or not is entirely up to you. I was only fooling around with the idea but either way it can be found here:

Pillars of Menat Fiction Update: I know I shove this mutha like no otha…but it’s important. As for the nagging in the intro of this report I won’t repeat myself, but this is an awesome time to actively contribute to the competitions and have a part in this history-making event (That sounded very PBS like right?)

Odan-Urr Wikipedia Pages- If you’re bored, or want something to do I would recommend diverting your talented energies toward the houses Wikipedia pages, specifically the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force. Right now I’m calling on everyone (especially you GJWX Wiki Team) to reunite and split up the remaining sections of the military. If you are commanding a unit and listed as the commander I would suggest you begin writing out your articles rather than have someone else do all of the work.

Remember that there are rewards for your efforts! :D D

Master/Student Program: Due to the changing of the incoming Rollmaster (whoever that may be) I want to get a little jump on the ball and have all CURRENT Master/Student Pairings report in with a status update if at all possible.

If you wish to join the Master/Student Program send an email the summits way and we’ll see what we can work out.

Awards/SA Course/ACC Shtuff/Whatever Else

Usually the AED reports on this stuff right?

The only ones I really really want to mention were the recipients of Dark Crosses (DC) in the past week. These members demonstrated themselves as having an active interest in writing their articles for the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense page and displaying their drive to be active, so for that they were rewarded for taking the initiative to get shit done.

So with that I’ll present:

JK Morotheri Mithfaron- Dark Cross x1

PRT Alexander DelGotto- Dark Cross x1

GRD Revak Kur- Dark Cross x1

I want to also extend an extra thanks and congratulations to Ji for having guided the development of the whole military in the first place. For his body of efforts regarding the military he has received an Anteian Cross!

KE Ji- Anteian Cross x1

Congratulations guys and keep up the good work everyone!

Pillars of Menat 1st Installment Winners

The Observer- 1st Place GRD Revak Kur (Crescent w/Emerald Star x1)

2nd Place KAP Kaira Rohana (Crescent w/ Topaz Star x1)

Menat Ombo City Survey Project-

1st Place DJK Morotheri Mithfaron (Crescent w/Topaz Star x1)

The Ratchets

1st Place KAP Kaira Rohana (Crescent w/Emerald Star x1)

2nd Place Kitsune (Crescent w/Topaz Star x1)

3rd Place GRD Revak Kur (Crescent w/Quartz Star x1)

Competions- As said in #db “Competitions are your friends”. Here’s a comprehensive list of available competitions relevant to you as members of Odan-Urr and the DB as a whole:

Click the links to be taken to the specifics of each competion

The Pillars of Menat events:

Riot In Visulu!
Flight From Memit
Report For Mission Training
Mysterious Ink

Other House Odan-Urr Competitions:

Your Little Helper

DB Wide Competitions:

Ancestor Lore
[VOICE] Three Man RO
Ultimate TOR Getup!
[VOICE] Choices
[FIST] End of the year gaming 2
[FIST]Special Gaming Event: Assassin’s Creed Revelations
Find My Lyrics!
#db trivia


Ok, that’s it, no more reading. Rest your eyes :D

– OP Drodik Va’lence al’Tor

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