Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Greetings, Gatekeepers! Quite a bit of movement in and out of Shadow Gate this month, and as always, there's a variety of competitions for you all to participate in! And as always, you can find Clan and House News in Invictus' Quaestor's Report here!

Let's get to it, shall we?

Shadow Gate News:

As previously stated, there was a fair amount of movement in the past month within Shadow Gate. We bid farewell to Treylas Ramar and Ronovi Tavisen, and I wish them the best of luck in their respective new posts.

More exciting however, is all the new members that has arrived into our ranks! Give a warm welcome to the following:

DA James Lucius Entar Arconae

OE Cethgus Entar

JH Fet'ai'narun

PRT Walker Boh

ACO Incendus

Welcome, and here's hoping y'all will have a fun time here! :)


Shadow Gate

Establishing an SG Presence

Shadow Gate Sharpshooting Competition


Do ALL the RAGE!!!!!!


[VOICE] Ambitions

Written by the Victor

[TOR Speed Run] - Black Talon HM

[TOR Warzone] - Overkill

[TOR Warzone] - Unbreakable](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=6206)

Jedi Knight Ladder #1

Republic Commando Shoot'em Up

ACC 5th Championship Ladder

#DB Trivia

Shadow Gate Scholars

I'm pleased to see that Shadow Gate is keeping up on its studies, as noted here:

Scelestus: -Races and Species -Planets and Stars -IRC Operator Studies

Andraste Vivendi -Krath Core

Incendus -Sith Core

Well done! :)


JH Scelestus to DJK! Congratulations! :D


A fair sprinkling of medals this month:

Scelestus: CoF x7, Cr-S, Cr-E

Andraste Vivendi- Cr-Q

Zakath- Cr-E

In closing:

As you can see from just above, we have plenty of competitions running for everyone to participate in. If you don't see anything that tickles your fancy, or have any questions whatsoever, drop me an email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or catch me on IRC, and I'll be more than happy to help set something up for you or answer any questions. :)

For the newcomers, expect an email from me shortly so I can get y'all orientated and active. In the meantime, welcome to Shadow Gate! :D


SW Zakath (Sith)/SGT/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: CL:1] SC-SoF / AC / DC-GP / BN-AgL / Cr-1D-1A-4E / CF / CI-RC / LS-AgL / SoL / S:-3U


I also did the Races and Species exam.I wouldn't care,but that took 2 and 1/2 hours to do lol.

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