Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

<div align="left"> Booyaa: Report Time!

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<div align="left"> There have been plenty of things happened since my last Report. First off as already everybody knew I stepped down from the Rollmaster position and took on Ash's mantle as Aedile of Taldryan.

<div align="left"> The most important News in my opinion is the release of Promotheus. Originally developed by J ames Lucius Entar Arconae for Clan Arcona, Promotheus is an automated promotion eligibility tracker and informer. It gives Masters and Summit members accurate information on what it would take to get each member promoted, and also informs the Summit by email when a promotion becomes necessary. Because the system was designed to automatically pull data from the DJB site and is harmonized with the new competition system, this means a vast reduction of the current administrative burden on the leadership. Summit members and Masters can access administration interface of Promotheus via their admin panel (while Summit members, have access to all Journeymen inside their Clan/House, Masters, will be able to view their students.) The page gives an overview per member, showing their master, the time they've spent in their current rank, and an approximation of how close the member is to their next promotion. Please note that this approximation (as well as the breakdown mentioned below) is on a three-hour update cycle, so it may not immediately reflect changes. So I highly recommend that you take a look at it even while it comes from Arcona ;)

<div align="left"> There have also been some interesting Reports out within the last month, including a Fist and a Grand Master Report as well as the mighty W*a* cky Wiki Wednesday: DB Mainpage.

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<div align="left"> There have been some medals awarded to various members of Taldryan, so c ongratz to all who scored. (My apologies for making this so brief I will make this more detailed in my next Report)

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<div align="left"> There are currently 4 House scaled Competitions running you can view their specifics as well as a list of all other competitions related to you (of course after you logged into the DB-website) by simply clicking the respective links:

<div align="left"> Also if any one reading this report wishes to run a competition and have a decent idea but isn't in a position to host it shoot us an e-mai*l* and we will see what we can do to help you.

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<div align="left"> This time I would like to remind everybody on something I haven't paid much attention in the past: the Rites of Combat and the Grand Masters Royal Guard. _E _ver since the time I started gaming in ToR I felt the need to hook up with the Royal Guard (the gaming related society part of the DJB). To become part of the Guard it is required to pass the GRMG-History exam at the Shadow Academy and part of the knowledge needed to pass the exam is described in the Rites of Combat, so for everybody who is already a gamer or wishes t o become one you should look at both the GMRG-History exam but more important the Rites of Combat .

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<div align="left"> I think that's it for today and again I would like to ask all members o f Taldryan that have shown their interest in becoming a Master or Student to send me a short PM so I can get the list up to date. And don't forget to visit our House c hannel (#Taldryan) on mIRC, as this is the best and fastest way to get in contact with other members and start funny conversations). Until next time,

<div align="left"><dl> <dt>OT RianAslar </dt> <dt>Rollmaster of House Taldryan</dt> <dt>Dossier #10701</dt> </dl>

** Report Treasures:** Tell me the name of the member hidden in this Report. Maybe you need to think outside the box to win this time ;)

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