Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

HSD Battle Team Report 1

As I am sure you know from my emails we have yet to establish a name for ourselves, but we have established our direction. We are not Special Forces, we are not a fighter squadron, or spies, and we definitely are not copying Taldryans old folks home. NO! We, gentlemen, are assassins. That's right, so we will need a creed to live by (A.K.A. a motto for the team) and yet again, I am leaving this to you guys to come up with. I would be doing this for shinies, but since the feud is tomorrow I think it may be a bad idea.

<bold> Feud </bold> That's right I said Feud, if you haven't seen Atra's emails then you fail. The Feud is tomorrow. I hope you are all well rested and ready to kick some tail for Naga Sadow. Make sure to sign up for the co-op fiction here Link

<bold>Awesomeness</bold> Ok, now for the medals that have been earned since our formation (it's only been a few days) Necronomicon Cluster of Fire x 38 and a Pendant of Blood Although, Necro is the only one mentioned this time, don't be discouraged! His are just the only ones that were approved before this report and since this is only the first report that is bound to happen. Also with the Feud tomorrow you all will get to show your drive and collect as many shinies as your pockets can hold. Well that is all for now.

SGT Roxas Buurenaar

Dear HTML Gods, don't be angry with me, for my HTML sucks and I am trying

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