Recruitment Team reminder


Recruitment Team reminder

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Recruitment Team, please bear in mind that the applications' deadline is the 28th of October. So you have a bit more than three days to make your applications ( an article, a banner, a video or all of them! ) and answer the questions, which are a vital part of your applications. For specific requirements for the candidates, go to my first report at

So far, I have received no application and only one person has expressed her interest in applying to the Recruitment Team. It is a unique chance to heavily influence the recruitment policy and the recruitment process itself. You may become a major star of the Brotherhood, if our mutual efforts turn out to be beneficial for our club. You DO NOT need to be a marketing specialist. As mentioned in the report, I may train you and provide you with necessary knowledge about marketing, advertisement and social media. So, do not be afraid and grab your chance to enjoy making our club even better.

Remember, an important characteristic of a good recruiter ( and not only! ) is being able to submit your work / applications before the deadline. Send your applications to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

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