Taldryan Aedile Report: Dromund Kaas, Week 2


Taldryan Aedile Report: Dromund Kaas, Week 2

Greetings Folks,

Time to bust this report out all quick like, cause old man Yacks has him some fiction to write.

Headlines that you need to know

  • Dark Crusades: Keep it Up
  • Gaming & #DBGaming Reminder
  • SWTOR: Galactic Starfighter
  • Congrats Quejo
  • Shadow Academy Docent Positions Open
  • What comes after

Space Bar, Bitches!

The Dark Crusades: If you're going through hell, keep going

It's nearly coming to a conclusion folks. I know it's been a long, hard fight. I know you're tired. I know you're frustrated. But we're not done yet. Taldryan has been resurgent in the realms of activity throughout the Crusades, and I have to say that I'm proud to have been able to call myself one of your leaders through these hectic times in the Dark Brotherhood's history. But we're not finished yet. Winston Churchill once said, "if you're going through hell, keep going". We're nearly there. What I'm asking of you now, is just give us one last great push. If you can't think of anything to do, or if you need any help with anything, let me know. Let Rian know. Let Howie know. Let anyone know. We'll try to help you out as best you can.

You have until 23:59 UTC on Saturday to submit to any events (The Countdown on the mainpage of the website is also accurate). This gives us just under 3 days left to complete anything you're working on. Just once more guys, dig deep for Taldryan, and tell them whats for!

Pertinent Links:

Space Bar, Bitches!

Gaming & #DBGaming

I just wanted to add another quick note to remind members of Taldryan, that if you're taking part in the Gaming event for this round of the Crusades, matches must be organized via IRC in #DBGaming. Only be in that channel if you're actively looking for matches, the reason for this is to ensure that nobody can be accused of selectively accepting matches (aka match dodging). Remember, we're Taldryan. We don't cheat. If someone challenges you to a game that you've played during the Vendetta while you're in #DBGaming, you accept it. You don't have to play them 12 times if they challenge you, but you do have to play them three times if it's an official challenge. The Rites of Combat are in effect, as they always are in gaming, and due to the status of this as a vendetta the specific Vendetta RoC's are active, You can find all these rules here

Space Bar, Bitches!

SWTOR: Galactic Starfighter

Galactic Starfighter opened on the Public Test realms of SWTOR over the weekend, and I played around with it a little bit. I have to say, it took some getting used to, but by the time I finished, I have to say it was extremely fun. If you were a fan of the old X-Wing and TIE Fighter series of flight sims, go in with an open mind. It's not nearly the same sort of a game. It's vaguely reminiscent of Rogue Squadron on the N64.

What I will say is this: I re-subscribed to TOR specifically so I could get the earliest access into Galactic Starfighter, and I plan on trying to make sure that Taldryan will get a lot of opportunities to play this game, and specifically use this feature a lot in the coming months.

If you have any questions about Starfighter, be sure to let me know. Same if you're just interested in grouping up and getting some space pewpew going when it's live.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Quejo: Warden of Taldryan

Yea, Quejo is a badass and got appointed to the position of Battle Team Leader in the Wardens. We're hoping for great things from Quejo, and I'm sure everyone will be able to make great use of his guidance and support in the coming months. He's also been known to teach lessons on how to be utterly pwntastic in JA to anyone who's interested. Just saying.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Shadow Academy Stuff & Docent Positions Open

THAT'S HOW YOU DEBATE! Thank you Frank the Tank. Anyways, Solari recently posted openings for 3 Docent positions on the front page, for the HTML Primer, and Debate I/II Courses. If you're interested in signing onto the Shadow Academy, read his news post here and email him an application.

Additionally, on a somewhat related front, the Voice is currently conducting a survey to receive feedback on your views of the Dark Council, in preparation of writing some sort of course. You can read his news post and find the link to the survey here

Space Bar, Bitches!

What Comes After the Crusades

I have no idea. Seriously. We're all dead beat, and you can be sure nothing is going to be too strenuous for the most part. We have the Taldryan Holiday Bash series which is a yearly tradition that we'll be opening up again during December, and we're going to spend a lot of time focusing on the effects the Dark Crusades have had on Taldryan as a whole.

We're going to be putting work into ourselves, finish up some old projects, and get to work on new ones, but we honestly don't have a lot of plans yet (at least I don't, Rian's always cooking something up). Rest assured, we're going to keep you in the loop of what's going on.

Space Bar, Bitches!


Uh, this isn't so much of a news item as it is a reminder. DO ALL THE THINGS!

Space Bar, Bitches!

Alright folks, get out there, do some Crusading, and make Taldryan prouder of you than it already is.

Oh so Sexy

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