Insert obligatory five-page fiction here
Hello everyone,
Another month has passed. Time for another Seneschal Report.
A couple of days ago, we've launched Kallisto. Kallisto is a tool designed to assist in maintaining mailing lists. It goes over the members of each mailing list it knows about once a week, and compares those members to a set of constraints that represent who 'should' be on the list based on the database. If it finds any discrepancies between these two lists, it shoots off an e-mail to the list maintainers telling them which e-mail addresses it thinks should be added or removed. Kallisto is currently used by the Dark Summit mailing list and the mailing lists of Naga Sadow and its houses, Arcona, Scholae Palatinae and Plagueis. If anybody else wants to use it, please shoot me an e-mail.
Below is a list of most of the code checkins done to the site since my last report. This isn't an exhaustisve list, and does not contain code changes that haven't been deployed, notably those regarding the ACC and Possessions. To summarize, here's the TLDR:
[James] Attempt to fix admin competition countdown being confused about timezones.
[James] Remove Crusade Lockdown for P:FIST, P:HM, P:MAA
[James] Make admin/home competition timer more accurate
[James] Add Plagueis and Scholae to Kallisto
[James] Add HSD, HMR and Arcona to Kallisto
[James] Prepare Promotheus for Promotion Guideline updates
[James] Implement Mailing List Management helper code for summits
[James] Restyle dossier and character sheet bits
[James] Allow quickly switching themes in development; add profiler
[James] Allow HM to 'sync' PROF and DOC positions based on current SA staff
[James] Allow filtering PvP records; significantly sped up PvP gaming records page
[James] Add additional features to news posts
[James] Fix modals looking strange
[James] CC recruiter on join/welcome mails; fix theoretical edge case bug if HM ever loses the ability to promote INI to APP
[James] Stop sending nag mails on crusade exams
[James] Change statistics page headers
[James] Also fix manual admin index masonry
[Orv] Don't let images extend beyond the bounds of the news well
[Orv] Losslessly compressing images with ImageOptim
[James] Fix Masonry stacking bricks on admin panel in a weird way
[James] Fix countdown breaking the site in rare cases
[James] Less purple, yo
[James] Prettify stats page; darken nav-pills link color
[James] Fix CS tooltip issues
[James] Fix SA responsive grade calculation box; show submission time on grade screen
[James] Automate countdown only showing once Crusade is running
[James] Fix carousel indicators on Oberstified
[Orv] Moving the carousel spinner down below the box.
[James] Hide rotating news banners during crusade
[Kalen] added Dark Crusade link to news page with countdown timer
[James] Fix competition management being broken after CSS upgrade
[James] Fix spaces in madlib helper
[James] Re-enable parts of manual administration
[James] Temporary FIST staff permission tweaks
[James] Disable browser trying to validate inputs; do not show withdrawn child comps
[James] Fix avatar sizing issue; Slightly tweak permissions for Crusade (temporary)
[James] Fix CS drag&drop controls
[James] Stop trying to precompile 1994 layout
[James] Final pass Bootstrap3; Retire 1994 layout
[James] Bootstrap 3 conversion, pass 5
[James] Bootstrap 3 conversion, pass 4
[James] Bootstrap3 conversion pass 3
[James] Restyled a bunch of templates, converting them to bootstrap3 while at it
[Orv] Adding additional icons and fixing order of font files
[James] First pass of conversion to Bootstrap 3
[James] Restrict promotion requests based on position and requester's rank
[Orv] Don't make the whole well transparent, just the background
[James] Allow HRLD to set any saber/warbanner on a dossier (as well as some additional options)
[James] Fix robes/sabers/warbanners not showing on any layout
[James] Removed another empty css file
[James] Patch up 1994 layout; remove some unused (s)css files
[Orv] Make sure the bottom bar shows up on the news page
[Orv] Adding classes and titles to some sidebar elements
[Orv] Renaming file
[Orv] Re-organizing some sass
[Orv] Using bootswatch cyborg gray rather than redeclaring a color
[Orv] Tweaking styles for the news page
[Kalen] AWOL report: can mark member as active; cannot mark member as AWOL until it has been at least 7 days since the warning email was sent
[Kalen] further refinement for AWOL report
[James] Refuse to submit invalid (but previously valid) character sheets
[Kalen] clean up data display on AWOL report
[Kalen] Refine AWOL database query
[Kalen] add more display data to AWOL report for MAA
[James] Attempt to fix news caroussel causing news to jump up and down on mobile layout
[James] Add unit logo to dark council listing page too
[James] Add webfont, drop icons in various places
[James] Also allow images through data: scheme
[James] Slightly loosen CSP
[James] Add CSP header forcing only HTTPS assets
[James] Hide top right box unless useful information is available for it
[James] Change join image thing to contextual news box
[James] Link up temporary custom saber/warbanner forms
[James] Decrease autocompletion results trigger from 4 to 3 characters so it catches 'Orv' now
Q: Marick (Wally) asks: How will the site using UTC, going forward, affect setting competition deadlines? Will it just be different for each timezone, or will the selectors just simply stick with UTC and we'd need to adjust ourselves to the respective timezone?
A: As far as I'm concerned, nothing will change and the site will continue to function the way it has since we launched it. This means competitions have an end date and a start date (without a time attached), and the site will regard a competition as running whenever the server time falls either on or in between these two dates. Due to the server running at UTC, this will mean competitions running through the site will open and close at midnight UTC.
In this section, I try to highlight some neat tool or trick that makes your life easier. This month: Socrates. Socrates is a very light-weight Markdown editor that supports collaborative editing. When you create a document in Socrates, it gets assigned an unique URL, which you can then share to allow others to 'join' your document and edit it.
As always, please note that any DJB-specific additions to Markdown (such as the right and center aligning codes, which you shouldn't use anyways) and the asset and idline macros won't work in tools like these, for obvious reasons.
Also note that last month's Nifty Tool Stackedit has moved to
So, lots of small fixes and additions to the site, and even more to come. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to either e-mail me personally, or have a look at the Forum.
James L. Entar
Seneschal of the Brotherhood
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Yay markdown!
I was just about to ask you about giving Ood his access back... then I read a report O.o
Tal just got set up on the Kallisto lists... gotta say, they're amazingly helpful, I'd very much recommend anyone not using them yet jump on it, great work James!
Except the bot watches you when you're sleeping... :P
It sees when you're awake?
It sees you when you're sleeping., Christmas carol fail.