Battle-Team Ooroo Report #112513


Battle-Team Ooroo Report #112513

We have sworn to protect the innocent by destroying any traces of the Dark Side. We infiltrate. We observe. We strike hard, fast, and precise. We are nowhere but we are everywhere. We are Battle-Team Ooroo.

I would like to start out by saying that all of you did a fine job this Crusade. We aided the House in seeing its highest participation ratio yet. Your devotion helped us earn a massive amount of fleet points and new house robes. Sit back and relax, you earned it. Great job! Now that the Crusades are over, check out our Current Events section of the Wiki for HOU news. 2014 will be a big year for HOU. Keep an eye out.

D'Nu Roll-Masta:

I will take this time to officially welcome Evant Taelyan to the lightside and as our new Rollmaster. Once he settles in, he will do a fine job in helping our Journeymen become Knights. Looking for a good Student to take on? This is who I would kiss up to :P

The Return of Salis:

We might have lost Kaayn to the AWOL check, but that didn’t stop him. He came back and kicked some major ass. Thank You and Welcome Back.


  • CCH Ji – 4 Pendants of Blood, 2 Clusters of Fire

  • JK Kaayn Salis – 7 Clusters of Fire

  • JK Revak Kur – 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 29 Clusters of Fire



As we make our way into the Holiday Season, take the time to rest and enjoy your family and friends. If you are going Black Friday shopping, be safe and carry a lightsaber. No one will mess with you if you have a lightsaber. Come January, we will shake off the snow and get moving again. 2014 is our year Jedi!

I'm Revak Kur. You stay classy, New Tython ;P


CCH Ji - Pin #9709

CSV Krandon Lucian Firebringer - Pin #8629

GD VanWyck - Pin #8936

JK Kaayn Salis - Pin #4993

JK Revak Kur - Pin #12656

Nice report, Revak. :)

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