DB Tabletop Game(s)


DB Tabletop Game(s)


Arden/Kz'set and Morotheri/A'lora approached me several months ago with a desire to run an online DB Tabletop game. We held this little project up in order to finish the Dark Crusade, but now we have the time to test it out. I will be very interested to see how this plays out and look forward to the trial run. Please see the note below from Arden.

One of my biggest geeky passions over the past decade or so has been in the realm of Tabletop Roleplaying. I've played all sorts of games in that time and have even been (and currently am) a local cooridnator of national and international campaigns. I now aim to bring that passion to the DJB and develop a tabletop gaming aspect of the DJB.

Now, I'm sure people are wondering how that's going to work since the image most folks get of tabletop roleplaying is a bunch of folks in a darkened basement rolling dice and drinking Mountain Dew. Well the answer is simple, technology. Through the wonders of the internet, tabletop games can be played with each player in their own darkened basement (or other room of their choosing) linking up to what is known as a Virtual Tabletop (or VTT) and communicating through voice chat. All the details will be below, but my goal is to do this in a way that requires the least amount of downloading and such.

For more details and to express interest in participating in this little test, please visit this lovely DB forums topic for all the details. Feel free to e-mail me (Kz'set/Arden) or poke me on IRC with questions.

Happy gaming.

Kz'set (aka Arden Karn, aka "The Bug")

I look forward to hearing any updates on this, as I'm sure we have some members in Taldryan who would really like the opportunity to participate in such an event.

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