Soulfire SGT Report 3


Soulfire SGT Report 3

Pretty Graphic Here
Soulfire SGT Report #3

Obligatory Fiction Segment

Nadrin sat at his desk, a furrowed brow directed at the screen in front of him as he contemplated the message it displayed.

“3 of us left, the rest off on sabbaticals or moving to help other squads. Guess I need to get recruiting.”

Heaving a sigh, the Warlord began to search the Arconan roster, looking for fitting replacements for his departing subordinates.


Well, the Crusade came and went and despite a valiant fight we finished in 2nd place. Don't be diheartened, this is a body blow that we can endure and Plagueis should be congratulated on their victory, we just need to up our game so that next time we take the spoils. That said, you guys did excellent work and I want to thank all of you that found the time to participate, it is appreciated.

In other news, as the oh-so-impressive fiction segment above highlighted, the squad has seen something of a reshuffle with Marick's reboot, and we're looking at a very different roster than we had before. We've said goodbye to Teroch, Socorra, Wuntila, Celahir, Vynn and Azasell and we welcome Andrelious, Inarya, Kalon and Tycho. Goodbye oldies, hello newbies and thank you River and Wes for sticking around, even if means you have to keep putting up with me.

Tied into the above point, with our reshuffle and reduction in numbers, I'm going to be reworking the squad positions and roles, so if there is something you feel your character would enjoy doing (or you'd like to write) then get in touch and we can get it organised. So far, we have Andrelious as the point man/vehicle expert and me as the fearless leader so get involved.


  • As I mentioned above, the Crusade is finished and we can all enjoy some downtime, yay and such.

  • Be sure to let me know what roles you'd be interested in with the new-look squad and we'll get working on it.

  • Reboot is over and the squad looks different, welcome to all our new members!

  • Be sure to check the DB main site on a regular basis, it has a lot of things there so make sure you don't miss anything.

Medals & Promos

  • There were a metric f***tonne of medals and promos handed out to a lot of members, and you can find the list in the Galeres summit report that came out earlier this week. Instead of going over what has already been written about, I'll instead be handing out some Soulfire awards to our departing members (and one current one).

  • For service to Soulfire over the years, Teroch is awarded a Kama to go with his Pauldron, wear it with pride on the Nighthawk!

  • For excellent activity in terms of both quality and quantity as well as helping Arcona's Special Forces to a close 2nd place finish, Socorra is awarded the Pauldron and the Kama, congratulations!

  • For continued service and dedication to Soulfire, Riverche is to be awarded with the Pauldron. Congratulations River, keep it up!

Ins and Outs

  • Covered in the news section above, go look up there!


  • There are competitions scattered around the Clan that Ceth and Atyiru covered in their report, go read that and let me know of any Soulfire specific ones you might want to see.

Final Thoughts

So, our squad has been moved around and the new roster looks very nice indeed. Another welcome to all of you lucky buggers that now have to suffer under my tyrannical rule, let me know of anything you'd like to see and I look forward to hearing from you should you have any questions, concerns or just want to chat. Keep on trucking Soulfire!

Arcona Invicta!


Nadrin Erinos Arconae, Soulfire SGT

Great report.

nice report man! I had a great time as a member of soulfire and want to wish the team nothing but the best

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