The Sound of Silence - A GM Report


The Sound of Silence - A GM Report

SUper brief updates...


So, I finished up the last of the Crusade Robes I had promised... Those clans who had achieved a greater than 1.0 in participation ratio were to be given unit-specific robes. So here we go.


The lighties over in Odan Urr got theirs the most recently (this evening), so I'll let them go first. A little more formfitting around the torso area, this is meant to evoke some of the more 'mission' robes...something that won't really get in the way too much, and that they won't care if they tear up a little. There's a pretty tall face-wrap mask deal going on there. It's in the selctor, under HOU, called 'Nomad'.

Tal1 Tal2

Taldryan wanted something rather TOR inspired, running with one of the planetary recurring rivals from one of the Imperial planets. There's an integrated hood, those that don't show it as up still have one, it's just down. They asked for a fourth color for Halcyon. Tenacity is in the selector for them, with their other trophy robes.


Finally, Scholae Palatinae wanted something a bit more uniform for their members, evocative of their imperial background. They got the Sovereign set, with a bit more detail paid to the torso, some new shoulder armor, and yes that is their logo on the inside of their cloaks.


Early last month, I had asked the full-time DC and the leaders of the units to get some internal reports to Raken and I by the end of New Year's. This is one of those things that we try to do twice a year or so, where we can see what the clans and houses look like from the inside point of view. It's important, because it helps us see things from outside our normal perspective.

At any rate, having received all but one of them, I decided we were going to do them a bit more like I've done them in the past, but this time drawing back the curtain and showing the people who wrote the reports what my notes were. I think we got a lot of good discussions done that way. It helped (i think) us uncover where we need to shore some things up, where things are running fine, and help suss out a path to develop those people who need developing.

All in all, i think this method is a bit more useful for everyone in regards to the often annoying drudgery of internal reports.


I am sick.

Not just a little sick. I got so sick that i caught a brutal infection that overpressurized my ears and blew out my eardrums. So now, I am basically deaf. Since I work in sales, that means I'm not really able to do my job, which means that I am at home until it gets better (hopefully soon). Plus side, I'm able to be at home, and i can work on DB stuff more hours of the day. Down side, I can't hear music, talk to my wife or hear my son try to talk. It's kinda a bummer. Even better, we just got about two feet of snow dumped on us, and with the weather taking the temperatures down to -20 (-40 with windchill!), we're all cooped up at home. Heck the police were saying they'd ticket someone 500 bucks for being on the road in a non-emergency.

Moral of the story: be grateful for what you have. You never know when something could change.


Ask the GM time!

<Howlader> Question: Given the massive ramp up on goodies from Orv (dossier avatars, more robes, other things) - are there any plans to tie his ramp up of goodies with possessions and/or earned medals and whatnot?

Avatars are site-specific, so there's really nothing to tie into. The robes may eventually tie into possessions, but as we keep expanding those, it keeps getting nudged back to a 'possessions 1.1' sort of release. The accessory stuff is already keyed into possessions... I just grabbed some of the items out for the accessory slot. Eventually, when we're caught up, Orv will be helping me work on possessions and get that baby nice and toasty.

<Dante_FM> How are the remainder of the planets going to be fought for and when will the conflicts take place in relation to the next GJW?

We're going to be doing them rather independently. At least one will be a 'directed runon' with teams, sort of a cross between the Avenger 2 and the Ambitions runons. The events will take place between now (starting February) and the start of the war, tentatively scheduled for Late Summer.

<Tarax> How goes the story write-up for the GJW, and the set-up for the events that follow it? Will we get any teasers beforehand? (Such as plot updates, re-organizations, etc.)

Sarin is working on a fiction release. Fictionally the crusade is not over. It won't be over until the end of the next Great Jedi War, which will take place in and around Korriban. After the DK/Ziost updates, I'd say to expect a couple minor updates between here and the war.

And that's about all I have for this evening. Thanks again for reading, and have fun!


Fictionally the crusade is not over.

Is it bad that the above, along with the current "break" in the Crusade fictionally, instantly made me think of this:

It was the end of the Earth year 2013, and the war had paused...

TAL-robes are best robes.
Also, seems we have entered a short cold war era of ourselves then!
What's with the DC and physical ailments lately? Sarin blows out his back, Muz becomes deaf. I'd watch out :P

Honestly? You completely outdid yourself with those Odan-Urr ones, Muz, those are fantastic. Am a bit jealous of the dirty lighties. Hopefully your ears stop being all explodey soon.

Nice work on the robes, Muz! I'm a fan of the Scholae robes :D

Those are all super fantastic. I've been hopeless inlove with these Scholae Robes since its gone in. So amazing.

Muz... Those Nomad robes are freaking FANTASTIC!

Gotta add my love for the HOU robes too. They have a kinda MGS1 Solid Snake feel to them. I like.

Well done, each of the robe sets seem to represent their units so well. Congrats all.

Very awesome robes

nice robes. I will be praying for your hearing. It cant be fun going thought this but when it is back I but you will not take it for granted again. Stay safe and get better.

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