Star Wars Episode 7 and Mark Hamill AMA


Star Wars Episode 7 and Mark Hamill AMA

Hey everyone, TV guide had an interview with Carrie Fisher where she pretty confirmed that she, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford will be returning for Episode 7, and that to start filming in March or April. This comes following the news a few days ago that J.J. Abrams said the script is finally finished.

Also Mark Hamill will be doing an AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit today at 4 pm EST. The thread hasn't been created yet but as soon as I can snag it, I'll edit this post with it. I'm sure there will be plenty of Star Wars questions flying around in it.

Edit: Link to AMA is here.

Woo, AMA

Ask him about being the Joker in Batman!!

A good way to read Hamill's answers on that thread is by going here:

You can see the comments he's made, and by clicking the "context" link below them, you can see the original question. Apparently Luke Skywalker is a massive fan of guacamole.

When asked favorite lightsaber color.

My favorite is green, I'm happy with what I had. You don't need to give me lavender or raw umber or whatever.

There you go, Halc. :p

Hamill knows where it's at

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