ACC Announcements


ACC Announcements


First, as judgements come in, you all need to be patient and understanding of the DSC members that are grading them. We have a very small amount of people grading 140 matches (which aren't short, btw). I don't want people bitching and complaining about every single little detail in a match. If you lose, it's not the end of the world. The judges ARE being fair and unbiased. So please, give them a break. If we have to spend all day explaining the judging, then we will never get Ch II stuff graded.

Next, there will be a 2 day extension on ACC battles in which there has been one deathpost made. The extra two days will be for the other person to post their deathpost. All battles that are not to this point will be closed and graded as-is at the deadline.

If you have any questions, please email me.

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