New Baron appointed


New Baron appointed

Greetings pilgrims,

You all have waited for this day - and lo and behold, the new Baron for the Dark Brotherhood Player's Association has been selected. Congratulations go to Primarch Dreadnaught who made it. Expect him to dive into a heap of work within the next days.

Big kudos go to all the other great applicants. You definitly didn't make this easy - keep up the good work!

Woo! Dreadnaught, the man who brought me to the DB back in 1998-ish!

TOo bad I don't play swg no more :(

There may be hope for the PA yet! I'll be reporting back to full and active duty this weekend. :-)


Thats really all I got on this one.

Gratz...btw I am on the server as Gilkane Blackheart now hope to see you!

WB to the DC, Dread!!

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