Star Wars Battlefront Release


Star Wars Battlefront Release


Unofficialy on the 20th but officialy on the 21st the release of SW battlefront will take place. This game presents a wide variety of oppertunities fo the Dark BRotherhood as a whole. The game essentialy provides a wide basis for many different types of combined combat air land sea space in the SW universe. Information on the game can be found here and I highly encourage you to check it out:

The leadership of the Dark Brotherhood is planning to utilize this engine to it's fullest extent and what I would like to know is:

A) who would be interested in forming a competition team for this game to represent the DB outside the club?

B) who plans on getting the game?

C) who would be interested in helping us establish a server and how would you be able to help out?

You can post a comment answering these very basic questions to my news post. GL and hope to see you in game.


sorry but we can capitalize on the game better if we recruit members form the actual gaming community as an aswer to Dal. And we do that by being a part of that community not introspective. Does that mean we can't have internal competitons as well no.. it doesn't but I don't expect to see a wide range of people from every clan to have clan v clan comps just yet.

A) I would like to see how my skills will fare in the game first
B) I'm gonna try and get it, besides I gotta have something to test my new surround sound system.
C) No money :(

I will purchase the game, don't got the money to run a server though. And as for outside the DB gaming, we tried that before. We're all to RPish to be the asshole elite games that you find in most clans, etc. And they find everything about the DB to be "gay" and will more likely insult you then play you.

If you want, use the GMRG for the purposes of playing outside of the DB. The rest of us can and will play in our own comps.

I'll be getting it - but before we go outside the DB we might want to see how it does in-house, first (i.e. Clan vs Clan stuff) - just a thought.

A) Me
B) Me
C) Not me. Sorry, but I'm poor :P

I will purchase the game, don't got the money to run a server though. And as for outside the DB gaming, we tried that before. We're all to RPish to be the asshole elite games that you find in most clans, etc. And they find everything about the DB to be "gay" and will more likely insult you then play you.

If you want, use the GMRG for the purposes of playing outside of the DB. The rest of us can and will play in our own comps.

Already pre-ordered. What I do with it will depend on how entertaining it is... FPS aren't quite my cup of tea, but I can deal.

1) me
2) me
3) me

I'm not asking opions about what you think the DB should and shouldn't do... answer the questions please... or don't post. I know I'm CoG which is why I am putting a team together sharad. I also know I am in a possition to do something about bringing back mp to the DB and in a possition to get us more membership by appealing to the outside gaming community by actual having the DB partake in the outside gaming community and not being soley introspective. HOwever, this is a topic not up for discussion here and if you want to talk to me about it you can do so in private on irc or in e-mail. Lets keep things on topic please.

Well, I would like to get that game, but I'm not going to buy it evil grin
I wouldn't really care were to play it - inside of DB or outside, as long as there is anyone to play.

First off, I'm Shadow. Second, I was just saying that gaming leagues have been tried before and didn't work. If you want to spend the time going down that road then go ahead. It'll most likely turn into another SWG thing with ppl wanting to be in a BF "clan" but not a part of the "web-DB"

And actually. Remove me from the GMRG roster. I never asked to be in the GMRG and I would prefer not to be.

hahahahah owned

Removed: and yes you did agree to be in the GMRG but you haven't done anything in it so yeah request granted... 2nd just because YOUR GMRG failed to play outside of the DB doesn't mean it ALWAYS will. Nuff said if you want to talk in person about it do so but leave it OFF the news page.

Nah we talked. Its fine now. Thanks for the removal :P

Just looking at this, it seems we'll have enough people to start out playing inside the DB. Sure, there won't be a huge number of opponents, but I'd imagine that comes with time. I think we should be playing outside the DB, as a kind of gaming clan in a league, along with playing inside the Brotherhood. It'll simply be a lot more challenging, and playing in established gaming leagues will probably be a lot more challenging and people will be less of dickheads that way. I'll prolly be hauling ass out to buy the game, along with the rest of you. =P

On a different not from me...

Lets see who can even play the game :P

I'm in, sound s like it may be fun

My system blows away the "requirements" and topples the "recommended" but that's not making me too happy. I was more than over the req/rec for Battlefield Vietnam but I can't run that on anything better than "low" settings.

Anyway - Pre-ordered SWBF earlier today. Hopefully people will actually PLAY, and be easy to find.

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