Shadow Academy house cleaning


Shadow Academy house cleaning

Due to the failure to complete their beginning studies even in a generous allotment of time, two hundred and twenty-nine Initiates have been reallocated from Karana, Onderon and Deneba Campus to the lower dungeons.

This concerns all Initiates who have joined before July 2004 and still have not completed their mandatory initial training. Past research has shown the rate of success to joining a Clan for members remaining more than three months as Initiate as being exactly zero; thus these members have now been chosen to serve the Brotherhood in a different way.

Summit members requiring such persons for hard labor, scientific experiments and/or combat training should contact the Shadow Academy resource office. Academy staff will be happy to allocate any surplus former trainees to Clans for their own dark purposes and this way, the failures will be able to repay the Brotherhood for the training, accomodation and sustenance received.

Initiates currently in training should heed the above notice lest they may be selected for the same fate at some time in the future, should their initial promise not be fulfilled.

For the Brotherhood,

Dark Jedi Master Kaiann Yetaru Entar
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

OOC: In cooperation with the LA, another flush of our rosters has been conducted. Members who haven't done anything during their membership, not even the Test of Lore, for 3 months, were eliminated as no longer interested. In the future, it is planned to do these eliminations more regularly - the current one removed 229 names of complete slackers from our rosters.

Note: Flushing always applies only to members of INITIATE rank, with no honors or activity on record for more than three months. It does not apply to anyone having earned rank or medals in the Brotherhood.

Quite a generous offer Headmaster, the Office of the Oracle will be requesting several of your Force attunded initiates for...various experiements...of a more mystical nature.

Pontifex Saitou would like to request a few female wash-outs to take the place of the KHP and her Assistant until the heat is down. He will use them for abductions, squirrel maintenance and for his own personal amusement. Please place them in a box with a few air holes and use next day delivery.

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