Thursday Gaming Night info...


Thursday Gaming Night info...

Yep, all day today (no matter what country you're in) gaming counts. All you have to do is find people to play with. I'll even accept matches you play on public servers, as long as it's some sort of team play, or open FFA. CFs will be awarded, as well as a DC for everyone who scores five wins, and an StA for those who score 15 wins.

I prefer games to be played from within the DB, but we all know, it's sometimes impossible to find opponents. The most important part is that you're gaming, having fun, and qualifying for the bi-weekly tournaments.

To submit scores, log in to the DB site, and on the admin page, click the link for "Submit Scores," and submit games played as a "Sith" game, no matter what game you played. This just ensures that the scores get sent to me, so that I can keep track of games, and award you for them. This also makes sure that I know who is qualified for the tournaments.

Games will be found through #gmrg, so jump on in there, and look for opponents. And just remember, I'm not worried about world location, o timezone. If Thursday for you is a different time for others, play on your Thursday, and submit the matches through the site. They'll count as normal, because I just want to see people out gaming, and having fun. If you need help looking for opponents, find me on IRC, in #gmrg, #db, or any of my other hangouts, under the nick of Bloodfyre, and I'll be glad to help you.

And just remember, some personal and possibly Clan possessions are up for grabs on the bi-weekly tournaments, so make sure you play in at least one of the gaming nights to qualify to be there.

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