LHoJ Report


LHoJ Report

It’s probably been quite some time since most of you heard anything about the position of “Left Hand of Justice” (LHoJ), so I thought a news post to refresh everyone’s memories would be a good idea. So hi, my name is Kir, and I’m your local LHoJ.

Basically I am an ombudsman (For the vocab-challenged: What it means) for the membership. I am available to help solve disputes between members, Houses, Clans or anyone in between. I am here to mediate problems that occur and prevent any I see beginning to start. So if you are ever in a conflict in the Brotherhood and you want/need an impartial voice, talk to me.

I am also available to answer any legal (DB law) questions you may have. I can give legal advice on everything from IRC behavior to cheating in competitions and clones. If you think you might be doing something wrong…ask me about it.

I’m usually logged on to IRC 24/7 and I probably spend about three or so hours actually chatting every day. Lots of times I’m at my computer but not looking at IRC, so if you message me and IRC flashes…I’ll answer. If you don’t get a response on IRC then you can email me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and I’ll get back to you as fast as humanly possible. I check my email many times each day, so you shouldn’t have to wait very long.

Remember I’m here for you, the members. I don’t work for the DC, I’m not a spy, nor am I out to look for people to court martial. I’m here to help solve problems, so help me…help you!

You forgot "Show me the money!"

Baaaaah, do I need to do one of these for the DC now??

Ohhh... maybe I can cut and paste.... ;o)

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