Dark Voice Released!


Dark Voice Released!

The newest addition of the Dark Voice is complete!

View it here!

Lots of good news inside, including some awards and the GJW results!

yay for Tal and for it finally being over and for getting the results out. :P

But... Alaric isn't Quaestor of Ektrosis... I am. :P

Congrats Taly, it was hard fought and everything you get was well worth the awards. Can i say congrats again? :P

Ummm Raidoner Oriens Obscurum is a Sith Commander for the Shadow Dragon Squad, Tang'va is something I would like to put behind me.

Cuz I'm sure names and positions were foremost in their minds when compiling scores :P

Umm...it's the DV Issue 2 roster. Don't worry about the names and stuff, I'm sure they'll update it later.

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