News from the KCB


News from the KCB

Greetings: <p>I have a few announcements with the beginning of my term as Knight Commander. I am honored to have this wonderful opportunity to serve on the Dark Council, and build the Society of Envoys into something meaningful to the Brotherhood.

<p>First, I remind all the Consuls that your Nominations must be in by Saturday. Email them to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject "Envoys Recommendations for (Clan)" Please send all Clan/House recommendations in this one mail.

<p>I have recommendations from the following Clans:

Clan Tarentum

House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan

<p>If you want to have a choice in the matter of your Envoys, you must submit. Otherwise Chi-Long, Arion and I will be picking your Clans apart looking for suitable members.

<p>Second, I am accepting applications for Praetor to the Knight Commander. Now, if you are wondering why you should apply, I am offering this:

Immediate promotion to DJK, if you are below that rank. If you are above, we'll work something else out.

<p>To apply, you must send an email to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. The subject line must read: "Application for P:KCB for (Name)" Applications without this subject will be rejected. Included must be 2 works of original writing. Criteria is as follows:

  • 2 works, one must be Fiction, other must be Journalistic (IE newspaper article, can be fictional).

  • Both are a minimum of 2 pages.

  • Use spellcheck. More than 3 errors per page, will be grounds for disqualification.

  • Arial 12 point, single-space.

  • Must include full ID line.

  • Optional, text graphic. One per application.

<p>Applicants will be interviewed if I am interested. Applications will be accepted until a Praetor is decided upon.

<p>In Darkness,

<p>KPN Trevarus Caerick

Knight Commander of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi

"Vocatae atque non vocatae tenebrae aderit" </p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>

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