From Clan Tarentum...An Elevation


From Clan Tarentum...An Elevation

Greetings all,

I have the pleasure tonight of approving a worthy elevation for a great member and good friend to all.

The members of Clan Tarentum have asked for the opportunity to honor one of their own in their own way. They have sent me a plethora of stellar reccomendations, and I see no reason to delay putting them through.

I hereby do elevate the Sith High Warrior, Gui Long, to the rank of Dark Jedi Master!

I have uploaded the text of the reccomendations. They can be viewed here. (.doc).

Bloodfyre, I offer my personal congratulations, and thanks.

Lord Cotelin

It was only a matter of time.... Congrats! and thanks for ALL of your hard work!!!

First round of drinks are on me.

You know, I'm... astounded more than anything. The words presented in those recommends mean a lot to me, and I'd like to thank everyone for their thoughts. This really has me a bit choked up, and I only hope that I continue to make a lasting, and beneficial impression on the Brotherhood, and I pray that I live up to this standard. Again, thank you all, and I hope I can continue to be worthy of this.

My congratulations Sithie!!! =D

Dammit, you outrank me again! :P

Seriously though, congrats Bf! You've been doing a fantastic job as SHW and I hope you'll be around for a long time still. Keep up the great work!

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