Lord Hegemon Description and Duties


Lord Hegemon Description and Duties

Hello All,

I have the position description for Lord Hegemon finally. I thank Kai for his patience.

Lord Hegemon - The Lord Hegemon is charged with the documentation and recording of the cumulative strength of the Jedi within the Brotherhood in the form of a recorded profile that exists alongside the information kept in the Roll of the Brotherhood. through administering the Dark Brotherhood's roleplaying system, the Lord Hegemon is given power over most abilities and changes which directly effect a character based on experience, prestige and the credit system. While charged primarily with administering the systems of experience within the Brotherhood, the Lord Hegemon is also tasked with balancing the Credits and Prestige systems. Furthermore, the Lord Hegemon is charged with final documentation and examination of all artifacts discovered by the Brotherhood.

LH's initial tasks:
- Complete development of a fully flushed-out RPG system document. This should include ALL proposed numbers, all procedures and processes, and an initial array of races, items and other such things.
- Create an example system for creating and editing a character that can be used as a starting point for the website
- Develop a clear and coherant set of guidelines for the RPG.
- Complete the RPG test from some time ago

I am going to be giving Kaiann the authority he needs to make sure all things that revolve around character development fit into his system. He will be running changes by me and we'll fit everything into the greater vision of the brotherhood as we go. This should work out well and I am confident that Kaiann will develop a great, lasting system.


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