Happy Holidays from teh Jacz0r


Happy Holidays from teh Jacz0r

Hey all!

No report from me this week. I basically didn't do anything anyway. :P My parents have been working me to death on the house. My Grandma is coming to our house for Christmas for the first time in 22 years, so my mom is going nuts. My brothers come in town this weekend, and then we are doing a late Christmas next week.

I'm not expecting much from anybody over the next week, and don't expect too much from me. I am spending about an hour each night working on the Covenant, but I haven't had much more energy to do anything. We'll get rolling again come January.

Just an update: I'll be back home in Columbus (aka back to normal) on January 5th. I'll have a good solid week of all-DB time, really, before I start school again.

So with that, I wish the best to all of you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you from teh Jacz0r.

Make sure for your Holiday dinners that you don't overcook the light jedi you're roasting.


I have noticed that if you add the right amount of salt you release the greatest flavour from the light jedi stew. :P

Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy new year.
Seasons Greetings to one and all.

I've found it works best if you add peper, curry powder, and some sambal...

Lets swap recepies :P

I don't eat Light Side Jedi because a Light Side Jedi is a filthy animal. ;)

Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Frohe Weihnachten! Buon Natale! Joyeux Nol!

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