The Krath Rite of Supremacy begins...


The Krath Rite of Supremacy begins...

In time honoured tradition, the Dark Brotherhood will test the skill of its members so that, through such challenges, those members may gain in strength and courage for the battles ahead.

Although such competition is friendly, it is nonetheless fought with vigour, since only one clan may eventually claim the honour of carrying the title of the Krath's first clan in the Brotherhood, at least until the next Krath Rite of Supremacy.

And so we call you now to arms, for a new challenge is proclaimed. May each competitor fight with anger on their side, and may each clan claim their rightful place in the hierarchy.

~ Krath High Priestess Alanna

Details can be found here:

[Edit: The ACC hall is now ready for sign-ups, it's called 'Krath RoS - Chapter 1'.

Non-qualified ACC members must e-mail [Log in to view e-mail addresses] to get your rank changed for the purposes of the RoS. You will then be able to challenge/accept challenges. You do, however, need an approved character sheet.]

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