Apologies for the delay


Apologies for the delay

Fortunately Jac forwarded someones email to me about having not received their CFs for the last week. Apparently I completely spaced out and forgot the last two weeks worth of Gaming Nights. I apologize for that, and everything has now been recc'd (to the best of my knowledge).

If you're ever waiting too long on the medals or if I made a mistake, please email me about it. That's the best way to make sure I know. If Jac hadn't emailed me I would have completely forgotten :P

Email is: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Is there a reason i got C-4Q for matches in gaming nights? :-p

The Cr-Q is the coolest medal in the DB. Don't complain. :P

Geez the CFs keep pilling up lol

I've emailed the MAA people about the CF/Cr-Q screw up. Hopefully they'll be able to take care of it soon.

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