ACC Ground Combat


ACC Ground Combat

First... congrats to the Cy, the Kai, the Cane and the Spear...may your cups overfloweth with the finest of Beer!

I am at the ground combat section of the new compendium and there has been quite some interest to see some different styles and reworkings of the old ones. A few folks brought stuff to my attention some time ago, and now I'm ready for it if you want me to see if it will fly in it's entirety. This is what I am looking for:

  • The style/technique can be from real life, but you have to 'star wars' it up a bit. Terminology can remain, like "CQB/CQC" but references to real world items that don't translate over should be Lucas'ed.

  • Please 'write up' your style as it would appear in the Compendium, meaning: don't just tell me about it. Write it as a small instructional so when folks read it they'll know what it is. Remember to include techniques, movements and sequences - not too in depth, but enough to get the jist - no 'books' will be added to the compendium :P

  • If you want to redo some of the nonsense we have, go for it! Add to it, twist it up - whatever. We have myriad 'martial arts' that are going to be condensed, revamped and some of it excecuted at one point or another. If you want yer name on the credits, maybe you can beat us to it.

  • It would be really swell if, when/if you use RL stuff, you send me the links to where you got it. I just want to see where you're getting this stuff because I will most likely add a 'how to write it' section to each 'style/technique' and with the 'original' stuff, I can get a good idea.

  • Finally - have at it! Don't think something is too dumb, or 'someone else will do it', or he'll never take it 'cause you never know. Gimme what you got! If you don't, then guess what? It's my way or the highway - you lose the right to complain if you don't get involved :P

send stuff and/or questions to dalthid[at]darkjedicrypt[dot]com

aneehoo... see you at the beach.

Dal - the other white meat.

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