Allegiance Tournament!


Allegiance Tournament!

I will be hosting a series of Allegiance games on Saturday and Sunday (August 13th and 14th). Signups for both days will start around 2pm in #GMRG, volunteers will be picked to be Commanders, then everyone will divide randomly into teams. I apologize for the short notice but I just decided to run the tournament a couple minutes ago :P

Individual scores for each game will be calculated as follows:

Participation = 2 points (1 point if you quit before the end)
Your team winning = +2 points
Being Commander = +1 point
High Score for your team at the end = +1

At the end of the tournament... Crescents will be awarded to the top 2 players in addition to CFs for everyone. I know Bloodfyre also wants to award starfighters to each Clan for every member who participates in an Allegiance tournament. I guess that all depends on how many people show up this weekend.

Allegiance can be downloaded from the following website:

If you're having difficulty getting the game to work please talk to either myself or Kraval and we'll try to help.

Khobai is correct. Everyone who participates will gain their respective Clans no less than a TIE Interceptor per person; meaning, if 8 people from Arcona show up and play, Arcona will get 8 TIE Interceptors. For the winning team, I will likely either make it a better ship gained per person, or possibly double the amount of TIE Interceptors. I haven't decided yet what I'll do exactly, but either way, this is a good way for everyone to get more practice, and for Clans to earn fighters by everyone showing support for this.

And by the way, this is per game on the fighters. If you have 8 people show up to two games, that's 16 fighters. This could seriously boost each Clan's respective fighter compliments if you support it and encourage this.

Aw man... I'm gonna be LoA this weekend.

Oooh a fitting time to learn the game :D

Count me in! heheh

Dont worry Revenge... I wanna make this either a weekly or bi-weekly thing. So there will be plenty more oppurtunities to participate in the future.

Allegiance wont work with my computer, the training works like a charm but the actual game wont even start, Something wrong with the .exe file or something. It's a shame because I would like to play too.


Will the T/Is still be on offer in the weekly or bi-weekly tournies or will they be downgraded to T/Fs or gotten rid of completely?

The fighters won't be up for grabs at each Tournament, but there will likely be something. I will only offer fighters once in a while, but it will be one of those things that, I'll choose which Tournaments you can earn fighters from randomly. You'll just have to practice and be ready to compete in as man of them as possible. ;)

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