Poll for The Academy Map on the SA Server


Poll for The Academy Map on the SA Server

There is a new poll up. I get all kinds of mail about this map so its simple. If people want it vote yes if you don't vote no, if you don't care don't vote.

Majority wins. Quick and simple

I want to add its supposed to read "The Academy Map" not the temple, the temple some will remember was removed long ago.

I feel rather strongly on this subject :P

From what I understand, the motivation behind removing this map in the first place was that people were being kicked off the server due to not having the map upon a vote to change server settings (like game type or map change).

Changing the game type or other basic voting function is a a rather critical function of any DB gaming server - especially during something like an ORoS.

Being able to play a pretty custom map, however, is not a critical function, and I'm surprised people are voting on this.... I mean, if we had two active servers, it wouldn't be a problem....just go to the server that doesn't have the custom map. However, that's not the case.

People are on the server to play either 1v1s or team games or certain universal maps, and if they don't have the custom map, it prevents them from using the server for some of its most basic MP functions because they get kicked. That's an inconvenience.

From what I understand, voting was completely disabled for a time, which is also unacceptable since it requires you play only one game type unless you can catch a server admin. However... that creates an unnecessary dependence on server admins -- some admins may like to feel like they're in control of your needs and are indispensable personnel. DB members shouldn't have to deal with that. It's all supposed to be automated.... and that's how it was a couple months ago... I'm not really sure why there's a poll, here. :P

"Well, Pyralis, you could just download the custom map? duh?" Yeah. Tell that to the guy with the slow connection...

Uh Pyralis... hardly anyone has THAT slow a connection anymore and is still able to play with reasonable lag.

The map is great to play at, and most people have it and seem to have no issues with it. The issues were mainly with the inability to vote.

I'm against it because I was supposed to design that stinking map and now my work is null! sniff.


Actually Cyris the map is just a hold over or an inaddition to the one I asked you to make.

They Cyris Map will still get top billing if/when you make it.

My problem with the custom map isn't so much that its being used, but that there was no prior information about it and i spent 3 days trying to find the stupid thing.

if someone had just posted; "Hey guys, a new map has been added to the SA list; heres the link:" i wouldn't have a problem. But when i couldn't connect, or was booted off a server cause i didn't have "academy_v2.bsp" i had no clue what the heck was happening and had no where to find out what or where this map was.

A little forewarning is all i ask, and definitely prior to a major DB-wide event so it doesn't mess with people.

I love this map, for a guy like myself who just began playing this game even do I had it for PC for over a year, it has alot to offer as we can practice on NPC's and use the fort to get familiar with the weapons.
I cant wait to see what Cyris will have on his map, I truly look forward to seeing it. :P

I like the map, but what annoys me is how voteing has been disabled lately so if we wanted to change to a team match or different map we couldn't, that's what's annoying me.

that was fixed already, voteing has been on for a week or so now, basicly I have found no true objection to the map that has not been addressed and a awnser to it found other then that it is a large download witch is true but the dialup players I know decided to get it anyway

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