RoS - Turn four!


RoS - Turn four!

71 people played during the last turn, it’s getting more and more. First of all: Novae!

1: Cannabisia Tarentae
2: Sithspawn
3: Dark Sabre

*JO: *
1: Jaysen
2: Zhilvinas
3: Kraval Novir

*JA: *
1: Kraval Novir
2: Wolvie The Jackal
3: Duga Arkarso

*BF: *
1: Duga Arkarso
2: Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro Palpatine
3: Xanos Sadow

*RC: *
1: Xanos Sadow
2: Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro Palpatine
3: Voldemort

Congrats to all!

Furthermore, the scores for this round, with the second set being the totals up to now:

Arcona: 210 (674.5)
Naga Sadow: 207.5 (465)
Plagueis: 85.5 (256)
Scholae Palatinae: 192.5 (406)
Taldryan: 1337.5 (3875.5)
Tarentum: 319.5 (805.5)

Taldryan again takes the lead, and Scholae is catching up.

Now, the %’s for the map:

Arcona: 108
Naga Sadow: 113
Plagueis: 35
Scholae Palatinae: 42
Taldryan: 246
Tarentum: 158

The updated map can be found on the Obelisk website. clan summits/representatives, please get me your next set of moves.

Next Wednesday: the next round. Next Sunday, the next set of Novae!

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