New CF upgrades


New CF upgrades

Due the amount of fun you've been having with the various competitions, and because of the number of CFs we award each week, we've had no choice but to add new upgrades for the CF.

Here's the list of new CF upgrades:

Black Flame (BF) (1250) – already exists, but moved back by 250

Sapphire Flame (SpH) (1500)

Amethyst Flame (AF) (2000)

Emerald Flame (EF) (2500)

Ruby Flame (RbF) (3000)

Diamond Flame (DF) (4000)

Keep up the good work folks; I'm really curious to see who's gonna hit Diamond Flame first.

I hate you people :P

By the way, honorable mention goes to Korras for noticing the need for upgrades, and for deciding upon their levels. :)


and here i thought getting 1000cf's would be a true reward for me.....oh well I guess I will keep plugging away..thanks Khan!!

Im taking beats its Kraval......2-1 odds

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