ICTE & Misc.


ICTE & Misc.

Inter-Club Training Event

The ICTE will occur Friday from 11pm ET until Sunday at 1am ET. Come join the fun in #outerrim. Remember, crescents and "All-Star" are not being awarded; however, Clusters of Fire will be given out. Do not report ICTE matches for the RoS.

Alacrity of the Commander

Many of you are still wondering the heck this is. In a nutshell, these manuals describe how to be a leader in today's Dark Brotherhood. Each part of the Alacrity series aims to describe one specific area of command, detailing how to tailor your efforts based on numerous considerations. While it is not mandatory that all Clan Summits follow these protocol, these documents contain information that will set you on the right path. Everyone can learn something about leadership from these guides. Check out the two most recent documents here: http://alacrity.darkjedibrotherhood.com. Our third document will most likely be released this weekend. It discusses recruiting people to your Clan/House/Battleteam who already hold membership to the Dark Brotherhood.

P:GM = 1/2*Mav?

No, I am not Mav. I am not half a Mav. I am not Mav's more evil twin. Mav is my friend though, and while he is on LoA, Kir and I are going to work to fill in for him. It won't be much different though... I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing for the last year. I'll be msg-ing you on IRC to check up on how things are going for you, idling on IRC, and working on numerous projects to better serve your needs. Kir and I are here to serve you during this DGM-less time. We want things to move as smoothly as if Mav were here. If you need anything, just let either of us know and we'll try to help out.


To answer some questions out there...

Will there be a new JST in the near future? Yes.

Did I hear correctly that there was a nomination and vote for a new JST? Yes.

Has our justice system crumbled (or will it crumble) into a million tiny pieces? Most certainly not. :)

Cheers -

DA Pyralis

IRC: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp

ICTE: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com

Alacrity: http://alacrity.darkjedibrotherhood.com

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