Star Wars: Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen Released


Star Wars: Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen Released

The sequel to The Joiner King and second novel in the Dark Nest Trilogy set 30 years after Episode IV: A New Hope and following the continuing adventures of Luke, Han, Leia and the new Jedi Knights has been released.

_"Despite being given new worlds to populate, the insectoid Killiks have not found peace. An unknown enemy has been attacking the new nests -- and the Killiks hold the Jedi responsible. Traveling back to the Unknown Regions to unravel the mystery, the Skywalkers and Solos discover an evil far more familiar than they ever expected... and even more terrifying. Why does the Dark Nest want to kill Mara? Will Jacen's apocalyptic vision trigger another galactic war or prevent one? And perhaps most ominous of all, what deadly secret are the Killik's hiding?

To find out, Luke, Mara, Han and Leia must embark on a perilous journey into the uncharted void between right and wrong. The ferocious Unknown Terrors are only the beginning of the awesome challenges that lie ahead in their quest to fathom the unfathomable. For an obscure dispute is about to explode into chaos, pitting Jedi against Jedi -- and threatening the very galaxy itself."_

The Dark Nest Trilogy is a refreshing return to the old school approach to Star Wars and has a familiar style to the Original Trilogy. If you like lightsabers, space battles, Dark Jedi pulling the strings, evil alien races or witnessing the setup for the upcoming Legacy of the Force series (set on the plot originally intended for the Sequel Trilogy by George Lucas) then you might want to consider giving them a read.

Full review will be posted on the Message Forum later this week.

Am I going to be lost if I pick up these books if the last one I read goes as far back as the Thrawn and C'boath trilogy, and Dark Saber? I only read a single book past those times and it was one with Jacen, Jaina, their friends and that Dark Jedi named Zekk.

You shouldn't be too lost, no. I mean, there's a whole lot of "stuff" that has happened you don't know about but they explain things fairly well in these books. I do suggest you pick them up and if you have any questions I can help out or Goat or a lot of others. Feel free to ask but the first book of this series was very refereshing and I hope this book continues that.

No, you shouldn't be too lost. This trilogy seems somewhat designed to get older fans back into the novels by centering a lot more on Han, Luke and Leia than a lot of books have over the last few years (which have focused more on the Solo kids).

Where it does introduce a non-film character it tends to give a brief history. The first chapter is basically 'what everyone has been doing recently' because its set five years after the Vong war. Not having read the Vong books won't matter- that plotline was finished off and is more or less its own independent arc- other than the character development in it you don't need to know much about it.

If you have any questions though I'll fill you in on the basic details. Beyond knowing that Han and Leia got down and dirty and had three kids, one of which is now dead, and that Luke married Mara Jade and now has a kid there isn't much else thats important.

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