ICTE - October 1st


ICTE - October 1st

Inter-Club Training Event

I can not believe it is October already... I will be running the ICTE in #outerrim all day, Saturday. Hope to see you there, but I will understand if you want to throw yourself at the last day of the RoS instead! Good luck to all of the clans in their last day or battle. It's been a fascinating war, full of energy, full of determination...

WHERE ARE MY CFs?!?!?///

I'll catch up on ORoS stuff this weekend and release the ICTE results. I posted some preliminary results on the ICTE page on Sunday, but learned there were a few errors. Will fix those before i release the next results.

Cheers -

DA Pyralis

IRC: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp

ICTE: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com

Leadership: http://alacrity.darkjedibrotherhood.com

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