RoS - Ending


RoS - Ending

alright, all's ended now. thank you all for playing, this turn should be out today/tomorow, considering I've been ill in bed all day. fiction will be out by wednesday, sorry on the wait there, but there were a LOT of good entries.

Sportsmanship Award:
a GC up for grabs, along with a SC and StA for second and third place. mail me two reccs, along with motivation, for whom (outside of your own clan) you'd like to see this rewarded to. I will not accept joke nominations. I will allow them to be sent up until wednesday. do put 'sportsmanship' in the subject line, so it gets filtered to the right folder in my inbox.

also, feel free to put in your own thoughts about this RoS into the mail, critisism, compliments, suggestions for next time, whatever you want. everything will be read. so if you have thoughts about it, now's the time. :)

Schedule from here:
also on wednesday, I will release the fiction scores. at the same time, I will recc the Novae.

by the end of the week, I will have a list of vehicles/droids and amount of points clans have to spent to each clan summit. they will then have 1 week to get back to me with their choices.

I am currently working still on specialized prizes for first, second, and third place. these will be anounced as soon as they are finalized.

that will be all. thanks go out to all who played, for making this a succesful RoS. :)

"I am currently working still on specialized prizes for first, second, and third place. these will be anounced as soon as they are finalized."

Is that for the placings of the clans or for individuals?

extra rewards for the First, Second, and Third clan of the Obelisk. think modified, unique, vehicles.

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