ICTE Reminder


ICTE Reminder

As you heard last week for Pyralis, he has stepped down as ICTE Manager. I've been put in the position and will be hosting most of the time from this point on. DJK Kraval Novir is working with me on looking at new ways to improve the ICTE for our club and our allies involved, ways to bring training more in focus than it ever has been. Look for that to start taking shape in the new month or so. Kraval will be hosting some events for me now and then as well. Thanks goes out to Pyralis for all he has done for the ICTE over the past year. He brought the event back to life and keep it alive.

I'll be hosting this Saturday starting around noon EST until midnight EST. Come on to #outerrim and have some fun. CFs, Crescents, and All-Star are all back in action since the ORoS is over.

~OT Duga Arkarso

ICTE Website: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/
IRC Guide: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp

Im really going to miss the 24 hour of ICTE events. But ICTE is still around which is good to see.

I may come in with some 24 hour events some time. Right now it's pretty much going to go around 12 hours. The schedule on the ICTE website will list 4 weeks out from now on. Things can change of course, and will be noted in a reminder, but it's up just for those ever wanting to check.

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