GMRG Mission Board


GMRG Mission Board

Missions are the most basic form of competition in the GMRG. A mission will have a brief fictional description as well as a difficulty rating. Some missions may have other special criteria that must be met before the mission can be completed.

A mission's difficulty rating is a numeric value assigned to each mission. This determines how difficult the mission is to complete. For example, if a mission has a difficulty rating of 10, you need to generate 10 points in order to complete the mission. Points can be earned by playing matches, participating in the ACC, writing GMRG fictions, participating in GMRG run-ons, etc... (the exact amount of points will be posted in a sticky on the forum topic)

A mission's difficulty rating also determines how much loyalty you get for completing the mission (usually in a 3:1 ratio... so a mission with a difficulty rating of 21 mission is worth 7 loyalty).

Mission Rules

1) Missions will remain on the board forever. They never expire and they never end.

2) Each Guardsmen may only complete each Mission once.

3) Some missions may have a difficulty rating as well as a specific task to complete.

4) Some missions will have rewards other than Loyalty. You may be required to go on a certain mission to learn a particular GMRG force power or learn Echani, etc...

5) Completing a mission will require sending me a formatted email which clearly shows that you have fulfilled all the requirements of that mission (instructions will be posted in the forum topic).

The mission board is located on the Forums, here:

I will be adding the first mission shortly.

Mission 1 is posted on the boards.

A question

When you say we must play against obbies, does this include only GMRG Obelisk members or any Obelisk out there?


any obelisk

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