Aedile of Galeres Sought!


Aedile of Galeres Sought!

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Due to personal reasons, Gavin has decided to step down as Aedile of House Galeres to focus on other areas of the Clan. As such, Quaestor Quejo is seeking a replacement. Applications will be open until he finds a suitable replacement. Please send your applications to Quejo at quejobandon[at]


**§ Must be the rank of Guardian or higher to apply

§ Directly responsible for all members below the rank of Acolyte (in most cases, shall be named House Envoy)

§ Assist and/or run House competitions

§ Assist in the maintenance of the House website

§ Run “silent” AWOL checks (mail member deemed inactive directly; should no response be given, AWOL the respective member)

§ Stay in constant communication with your House, Quaestor and the Clan Summit

§ Any other duties assigned to you by the Quaestor

§ Weekly House Report in the absence of the Quaestor

The job of the Aedile is two-fold. Their first task is to ensure that the newest members of the House are formally greeted and given a detailed mail explaining their House, Clan and how to get through their initial ranks. As such, an Aedile shall normally be nominated as House Envoy with all duties that entails.

Secondly, an Aedile is the right-hand of the Quaestor, and as such, is expected to assist in any and all projects that are related to their House. Should the Quaestor be on leave or the position empty, the Aedile shall assume these duties during the short-term.

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