OHC's Holiday Madness


OHC's Holiday Madness

while you could say it's always madness with me, I'll make it even worse now. for this week, there will be no gaming nights. nope, none of that.

instead, starting now, and until the first minute of 2006 (and I mean the latest possible time for that. :P ), there will be full-time gaming allowed. Januari 1st, I will go through the matches, and award 2nd level crescents to the top three players for each of the games the database allows. if you want to play games the reporting function does not allow, inform me beforehand, and if I give a go-ahead, report scores to me by mail. I will reward crescents to those as well, the level depending on the amount of people who played.

also, the top-3 clans with most people playing overall (no, you do not count double for playing different games. nor does having multiple personalities count. :P ) will earn vehicles, what exactly will depend on the overall activity of those people playing.

so, go right ahead, and bash your closest neighbour. a limit of 6 matches per opponent per game per day applies. CF's will be awarded. :P


Just for clarification, ACCLive! will also be running during this time. Just bug a staff member on #acc if you want a match

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