ICTE Returns!


ICTE Returns!

The Inter-Club Training Event is back! That's right, a new year to start playing in. If you check the ICTE website that is linked below you'll see the schedule has been updated for the month and the Archives page has been redone. Enjoy those simple things. =P

This year we will be having more specials and incentives. All the new additions that come along this year will keep the ICTE unique from any other gaming event we have. To start of the year we begin with a 24+ hour event. On the 9th is National Clean Off Your Desk Day in the US so this weekend we will have the Clean Off Your Desk Special! Members are encouraged to clean off their desks and find those old games they forgot they had. Play JK, XWA, and XvT and get double the CFs! The person that plays the most matches involving these classic games will also get another little bonus award.

ICTE starts Friday night at 11pm EST and runs to late Saturday night. I'll be hosting so come out and play some fun matches!

ICTE Website: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/
IRC Guide: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp

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