ICTE Results - January 14th


ICTE Results - January 14th

A bit later than normal with this, but that's okay. We had a decent turnout last weekend. 16 total DB players showed up. 53 1vs1 matches and 6 team matches played using JO and JA. Total of 110 Clusters going out for this event.

Clan Arcona - 3
Clan Naga Sadow - 3
Clan Plagueis - 2
Clan Scholae Palatinae - 3
Clan Taldryan - 2
Clan Tarentum - 3
Rogue/DC - 0

Other Clubs - 0

ICTE Crescents
<span style="color:#660099; font-weight:bold">Cr-1A</span>: Ylith 'Valheru' Romanae - 25.00 Clusters (ALL-STAR)
<span style="color:#3300FF; font-weight:bold">Cr-1S</span>: Manesh Sadow - 15.33 Clusters
<span style="color:#009900; font-weight:bold">Cr-1E</span>: Dox Romanae - 13.33 Clusters

The ICTE website has been updated with the new spreadsheet, schedule, and All-star. Clusters should be out soon. If you see any problems and want to address them, just drop me an email. If there is a problem, it will be corrected.

Lots of ICTE related post on the new page in the last few days now eh? This will be my final report regarding the ICTE. I've been helping Pyralis with the ICTE since last April and running as Manager since October. It's all been good. if it wasn't for a more important position that needs my attention, I'd stay on. It has been lots of work, but at the same time a good amount of fun playing with all those that have came out. I hope the next Manager can keep it going and help it grow more. Good luck to all of you in everything you do!

ICTE Website: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/
IRC Guide: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp

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