Anshar Kahn appointed to Headmaster!


Anshar Kahn appointed to Headmaster!


It shouldn't come as a surprise to you who is the next Headmaster: Anshar Kahn. Anshar has been serving within the Shadow Academy for the duration of Spears's time as Headmaster. Anshar was both Praetor to the Headmaster and the Knight Commander of the Brotherhood. His efforts have been great in developing the working envoy system that we have today.

Anshar will be great in the position of Headmaster. This is something that he is bred for. I am confident in his abilities to lead this office to further success.

Anshar, congratulations. Welcome to the Dark Council.


*fakes being both shocked and suprised
Congrats Anshar

Yay for Anshar!!

Throws a party

I for one am shocked ;-). Congratu....Con-Grad-U-Lations Anshar :P

Well deserved Anshar. :)

Hah! Woot! Congrats, happy days, all that stuff. In all seriousness though, I know that Anshar has as deep a committment to the Shadow Academy as Spears did, and I can honestly say, I have nothing but great expectations for the Shadow Academy, and the new recruits who will benefit with Anshar's leadership.

Congrats again man.


It had to be done. =P

Well done Anshar good luck with it all!

yay for anshar

Woot! Congrats Anshar!

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