Announcements - Master At Arms


Announcements - Master At Arms

  1. The roster currently stands at 812 members. That's up from last weeks's
    count of 797.

  2. The following appointments were made this past week:
    GM Firefox/GM
    SWL Maverick (Sith)/EMS/CON/Scholae Palatinae
    KAP Cuchulain (Krath)/PCON/Scholae Palatinae
    DJK Hermann (Sith)/AED/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae

  3. The following noteworthy elevations were made this past week:
    DJK Hermann (Sith)/AED/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae

That's is this week.

DJM Shotgun(Sith)/MAA

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