ICTE's Duck Hunt


ICTE's Duck Hunt

Ok this is a new competition which will take place during ICTE tomorrow. As your probably understood from the title its called "Duck Hunt". I have selected a few people for a few games. If you beat those people in their designated game you will get double CFs for that match, simple enough. Just go on with your saturday gaming as usual and challenge these people for a game to earn double CFs. And dont ferget to email me and tell me if you like this event, if many people do I will run it next saturday with different people. And now, introducing the "ducks":

Ocih from GE - JA

Wolvie - JA or EaW

Ylith - JA

Ashia Kagan - EaW

Manesh - JO

Kraval - JO

Aabsdu - RC and BF2

Happy hunting ;)

Lucius Xerxes Entar

ICTE Tribune

Clan Arcona

ICTE Website: <>

<> http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/

IRC Guide: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp

ICTE Instructions: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/readme.html

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