RoCs updated


RoCs updated

The Rites of Combat have been updated to reflect the need for some more details on member conduct and to clarify a few things.

Please read them :)


Just one point/question, regarding Jedi Outcast:

Define swaying.

I do not feel it applies specifically to that game. It's moreso of a JA issue (since JA is glitchier).

Swaying or also know as is....Mouse Poking

Tarax, When you have a red stance, and youre health is at say 100/25, when someone swings a horizontaly(red stance) the damage this can do when they quickly spin their mouse, can end up with a two hit swing, sometimes three or four if the person is quick enough.
and this will just kill the its stating...and with Goat and Jac, we look at this by a case by case deal..since we dont need people going...."Oh you swayed..I want a re-do" so...if you abuse this..and keep getting called on it, you might face a punishment for it.

"It's moreso of a JA issue (since JA is glitchier)."

I dont think so...its just as common on JA. Has nothing to do with glitchy platforms.

Never heard/seen of it before for JO. There's a lot of combos - yellow and blue stance that allow you to swing back and forth multiple times... these are called 'combos' and just because some people haven't figured out how to use them doesn't make them illegal. It just means those people suck.

There's a basic tactical move, that when you swing horizontaly with the red stance, you keep swinging all the way around to catch your opponent where he/she might land/evade to, to kill them. It's even used in real life, with sword mastery. It's a basic move. Basic tactics, basic combination. You just follow through with your swing. I've always been doing it. Some people have accused me of swaying (and those are the ones, mind you, who did not try to learn anything from their mistakes, but in fact just kept using the same faulty moves over and over), and some haven't (some that I have beaten, and others that have beaten me).

It's a basic combination of moves, and an easy tactic to use, and as well to avoid. Sure, there could be a glitch in there, but I do not feel it's big enough to warrant a ban on the move itself.

And when I meant JA is glitchier...I was just stating that from my esperience I've found the damage dealt in JA to be a bit more random compared to JO. A tad moreso unstable. But here's the thing...because I find it so, I don't ask that JA not be played. I just don't play it, or find a way to deal with my handicap in it. The same can be done (with far less effort, no less) in JO for the apparent 'swaying'. Instead of potentially removing a completely effective tactic, those that complain can just either not play it, or adapt moves/tactics that render that move absolutely harmless (which can easily be accomplished).

Wait now, I'm confused. So I've heard too many definitions for "swaying". Now if it is somehow doing a swing with red that goes around you and you aren't just twirling the mouse around as well, that's just a move in the game.

If it is doing that move plus moving the mouse around very fast cause many, many circles, okay, that's bad. I'm not sure what this is as I've heard several things so far.

Swaying is where you spin the mouse around so that you get more than one hit from a one click swing, doesn't matter what style though it is more often seen when using red.

duga, thats why Goat insited that we watch it..not ban it.
But its a two way street.....when you sway and do it will know. But if someone jumps over you, while youre in mid swing, then no...I wont say thats swaying. Its called protection youre backside. does it fall under "swaying" yes....but not in a malisious fashion. Duga, what I posted up there is the same thing you seen in the RoC email to the dark summit...I just put Tarax's name in there....
So yes, will I watch for this you can bet youre bottom dollar I will be..Have I gotten complaints? Yes two people...did I watch one of them that got a complaint yes I they were tossed out.

and the blue or yellow side to side move, Well shadow..thats called a "Scissor" not swaying....thats part of the game. and so is Swaying.....that the reason as to why its based on a case by case deal, and not banned outright as I first intended.

I am glad a general/loose definition has been laid down. Thank you for clarifying, everyone. :)

Swaying is something like Staff has the Butterfly. It is something that
works great if you use them, but when you spam it people will only get

So lets say swaying is legal, but moderated in use. Since it's abused more
often than the BF.

What I also would like to see was the stopping of staff bashing. I have been
a staffer all the time I played JA and the entire time I get -excuse me- shit
thrown at me for being 'overpowered' or using a 'n00bstick' or just being
a 'BF Spammer'.

And well, after 8 months, it kinda gets to you.

I fight well against singles, I earned my right to win for I lost 60% of the total
time played. I use BF moderatly, and mostly defensive than offensive. I know
there are people who just do BF after BF, but I do not think the good staffers
should suffer under that.

And if single saber players can't deal with that...heck....they shouldnt play at

those were my two cents ^^'



As Smoke said, thats why I insisted we didn't explicitly ban it, as I don't want some lamer going "He swayed! Swayer! Cheat! I demand a rematch!" which, naturally, is impossible to prove either way.

That said, swaying itself is lame, so if the same person gets complained about for swaying repeatedly they can expect a quiet word from the powers that be about general laming, and why if they keep it up they might find the matter becomes more serious.

It's simple then, really. I'll keep playing like I always have...and if people keep on whining (and my instinct tells me they will, especially the ones that always lose and never bother to learn anything) then I'll just stop playing. I mean really, I don't want to waste my time on killjoys or retards.

I fail to see why this is even an issue...

The only concern I have is with people changing their yawspeed in the console to make swaying easier to do than normal. Changing any of the default game variables should be considered cheating (even variables that are stored locally rather than on the server).

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