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Not the biggest ICTE but people still got enough CFs and played enough people to be granted the title of ALL-STAR and earn crescents. As for me, Im just happy the data on my PC didnt get lost because of the power supply failure which caused a lot of other hardware to malfunction. Anyways here are the top 2 players and CFs have already been recced.

**ICTE Crescents

**<span style="color:#660099; font-weight:bold">Cr-1A</span>:Rasilvenaira - 15.00 Clusters - ALL-STAR<span style="color:#3300FF; font-weight:bold">

Cr-1S</span>: Merlance - 14.33 Clusters (ooooh so close :P)<span style="color:#009900; font-weight:bold">

Cr-1E</span>:None Qualified


** The ICTE website has been updated with the new spreadsheet, schedule, and All-star. CFs have been recced. If you have any questions or concerns about ICTE visit the website or email me.


Remember double CFs for BF2, BF, RC, and all flying games, triple CFs for Alleg and EaW. My apologies for the lateness of this report.

ICTE Website: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/

IRC Guide: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp

Yay Raselvenaira! You GO girl! :P

Nice work Ras ;)

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