ICTE Results for June 10th


ICTE Results for June 10th

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Although the ALL-STAR was won by a DJB member I believe this is ICTE that GE:ER truly dominated. I am proud to say that GE played a lot of matches, and special congrats to Jagged Fel for second place. I have seen a few EaW matches played, triple CFs for those, and a whole lot of JO matches. Overall I am pleased with results. So here they are.

**ICTE Crescents

**<span style="color:#660099; font-weight:bold">Cr-1A</span>:Manesh - 16.33 Clusters - ALL-STAR<span style="color:#3300FF; font-weight:bold">

Cr-1S</span>: None Qualified<span style="color:#009900; font-weight:bold">

Cr-1E</span>: Rasilvenaira - 11.67 Clusters


** The ICTE website has been updated with the new spreadsheet, schedule, and All-star. Clusters will be recced soon. If you have any questions or concerns about ICTE visit the website or email me.


Remember double CFs for BF2, BF, RC, and all flying games, triple CFs for Alleg and EaW. I would like to take this opportunity to wish luck to everyone in the upcoming GJW :)

ICTE Website: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/

IRC Guide: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp

Wow, Luc is on his game with ICTE results! :P

Congratz Ras ;)

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