Rules on forfeits added to the RoC


Rules on forfeits added to the RoC


The following has been added to the RoC to clear up the issue of forfeits in gaming events. Big thanks to Smoke for getting this written and approved.

Multiplayer Gaming Forfeitures: All Gaming Platforms

What is forfeiting: When the opponent has or is experiencing technically difficulties or has other items that have come up, causing him to leave early in the game.

What is not forfeiting: When your opponent quits because he is losing, a forfeit will probably be granted, but you may not submit the forfeit on your own. These are conduct issues that must be documented and addressed by the Event Organizer. You will most likely be awarded the forfeiture, but the event organizer needs to be the one to give it to you, since it was due to a blatant rules violation. See below.

Submitting/Requesting forfeiture: If you are in the middle of the game, and the other person has the issues, you gain the win. Submit that Game only as a Forfeiture.

If you have agreed to more games with the person, give them time to come back later on. If you leave the event early then the subsequent non-played matches will not be considered forfeits since both parties did not return or they missed each other. If you are around for the entire event, and the other person doesn’t show back up, you are allowed to submit the rest of the games as forfeits, up to 3 games max

In cases of people wishing to quit the game early for unsportsmanlike like conditions, you will need to ask the event organizer and or his staff. The decision could range from allowing no forfeitures, to allowing three forfeiture matches, to a recommendation to the CoJ for misconduct.

The RoCs have been updated accordingly. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. These rules do apply from this point on.


Wait... pulling a Lenzar and quitting during a match because you're losing doesn't give a forfeit win to your opponent? Since when? Pinging out (technical difficulties) didn't used to be considered forfeit wins, unless that person never comes back. Either I'm reading that wrong, or someone wrote that wrong.

That does seem a little backward - then again, I'm not a gamer :)

From how I read it originally...if that happens, you go to the person running the event. While you will still get the "win", I believe it's so the event organizer knows what's happening, as running from matches can entail further "punishment". Basically, the organizer wants to know before you get the forfeit I saw it

Good point, I'll add a clarification. Halc got it right.


Updated. Let me know if that explains it better.


I still think forfeiture needs to be clarified as the opponent leaving/having difficulties "without returning and making an effort to finish the match." Otherwise, I can still see people trying to gain forfeit wins from people who have outages or ping out, etc.

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