Announcements - Chancellor


Announcements - Chancellor

1) Busy week (for year life for me...), so I haven't had much time to do anything productive...
Go Bombers! They're going to win the Grey Cup (Shameless Canadian Spam)

The Dark Cross has been awarded to
DJK StarLion (Krath)/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

The Grand Cross of the Dark Side has been awarded to
KE Karva Dronaal (Krath)/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

The Dark Cross has been awarded to
KPN Voranyen (Krath)/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

The War Cross has been awarded to
PRT Triji Boliv (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

The Dark Cross has been awarded to
SW Smitrock (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan

The War Cross has been awarded to
PRT Koyi Komad (Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum

The War Cross has been awarded to
KAP Khobai (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

The Dark Cross has been awarded to
DJK Ziguarath (Obelisk)/Cestus of Tarentum

The Bronze Scroll has been awarded to
KAP Aari Nikus (Krath)

The Dark Cross has been awarded to
KP Kidouses (Krath)/Gladius of Tarentum

The Dark Cross has been awarded to
ACO Face Loran (Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum

The Dark Cross has been awarded to
DJK Dax Corrin (Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum

The War Cross has been awarded to
GRD Onwai (Obelisk)/Cestus of Tarentum

The Dark Cross has been awarded to
JH J'Rai (Krath)/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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