Equite Promotions


Equite Promotions

Hey everybody,

This is a small preparatory step to the promotion/medal reforms that are becoming ever closer. This should serve as a notice to all individuals with any authority in the Brotherhood.

If you wish to promote someone into the Equite ranks, that is to say, anything DJK and up, you are absolutely required to speak to me first: be that on IRC or through email or on teamspeak or whatever. If you don't speak to me first, I will be forced to email you so that we can discuss the promotion. And that slows things down and makes us all unhappy. So come to me first before you plan on doing anything.

Additionally I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that it is generally not a wise policy to tell people they are going to be promoted or given a medal before it has been approved. You may be mistaken when you tell them that. It is also not a wise policy to demand a promotion or medal, or to otherwise whine about one. I do not look favorably upon either and believe it or not, it will factor into the decisions made by myself and your immediate superiors.

That is all

Dark Side Adept Syn Kaek
Master At Arms

EDIT: I just want to clarify after some questions. This is a temporary measure which I expect to only be in effect for the intervening time period from now and when a more permanent and more efficient form of review will be implemented. I also want to make it clear that I'm not expecting you to write two recommendations: An unnamed Consul and I handled a consultation today and we carried on a simple and brief IRC conversation that helped both of us collect our thoughts and arrange for a more expedient promotion. Something like that is all I'm asking. Don't hesitate to email me with more questions: I realize changes can cause significant confusion especially since this system hasn't been touched in ages. Thanks!

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